Here are some of our recommendations:
Selected Cultural Heritage Experiences in the Local Area
Hardanger museum
of cultural history
Get to know the history of Hardanger and its popular culture through both permanent and temporary exhibitions or find peace and quiet walking through the picturesque museum grounds.
in Agatunet
Agatunet is a unique cultural heritage, an authentic and protected gathering of farmhouses (klyngetun) beautifully situated between fjords, mountains and fruit trees. Brim with heritage the buildings and the stories at Agatun are waiting to be explored.
Cultural calendar
from Hardanger
Festivals, concerts, cultural events and theatre. There is an incredible amount going on that is worth catching up on. Here you will find an overview of what is happening in Hardanger.
Learn to sew
a hardanger seam
Combine a stay at Utne Hotel with learning to sew Hardanger stitch at the Hardanger Folkemuseum.